Tuesday, June 28, 2016

The Folly of The SCOTUS Decision

     As I'm sure you're well aware, the Supreme Court made an important ruling yesterday. For the past three years in the great state of Texas, abortion clinics were required to meet the minimum standards applied to outpatient surgical centers, and abortionists were required to obtain admitting privileges at a local hospital. Yesterday, the 27th day of June, 2016, the Supreme Court ruled that that law was "unconstitutional". I'm sure you've probably read up on several opinions on this ruling, - but I surmise that the Internet has room for one more.

     We all saw this coming, but it doesn't make it any less infuriating. It baffles me that the people who should really be upset about this (radical pro-abortion feminists) are elated by this ruling. The whole pro-choice mantra is that abortion should be "safe, legal, and rare", - well, after seeing their borderline demonic celebration of the ruling, there's no disputing that they want it legal. But, are they really concerned with the safety and scarcity of abortion, or do they just want more abortions? If they cared so much about abortion being "safe" and "rare", shouldn't they be major supporters of the law that got overturned? And they claim to care so much about the less fortunate,... isn't the overturning of this law an indirect slap in the face to poor people? As Erin Kluever cleverly put  it, "Rich women still get clean, quality care. But poor women? Well, this just perpetuates the stereotype that they need to take whatever crappy care they can find because they shouldn't be having babies anyway."

     The Supreme Court's decision sent a powerful message to the world:  the message that not only should women have the right to actively kill their unborn children, they should have the right to actively kill their unborn children conveniently. Not only should they be permitted to abort innocent humans, they shouldn't have to drive miles and miles, sometimes across state lines, to do it. What a sad, backwards nation we've become! What a dark, twisted legacy to leave for the world, and for future generations!

     Okay, it's confession time: the pro-life movement really doesn't care about the safety of abortion procedures. Yes, the underlying goal of the law was to restrict access to abortion, and we're willing to admit it. Why? Because pro-lifers want to see a country where unborn children are allowed to live, grow, and contribute great things to society; pro-choicers want to see a country where "reproductive freedom" means the freedom to kill and oppress innocent people. Pro-lifers want to live in a culture of life, where every life, from conception to natural death, is deemed valuable; pro-choicers fight for a culture of death, where the most innocent among us have less rights than corpses, rapists, child molesters, criminals, trees, birds, and several other things. Pro-lifers want to experience a world where fertility is treasured, and children are considered blessings; pro-choicers treat infertility as though it's a plague, and are hypocritically discriminative towards the youngest, most precious, and most innocent group of children. Maybe that's why pro-lifers are willing to admit their bias, and pro-choicers aren't.

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